Employment Law

You are Looking for a Burbank Employment Law Lawyer Because:

You were terminated during or after taking medical leave

You were terminated because of a disability

You were terminated because of your race, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation

You were terminated as a result of applying for Worker's compensation

You were terminated as a result of applying for unemployment insurance after your employment hours were reduced

You were terminated because of your pregnancy

You were retaliated against or terminated for exercising your legal rights

You were retaliated against or terminated for complaining about illegal matters

You were or are sexually harassed at your job

You were harassed as a result of your age, gender, race, sexual orientation

You are not receiving proper compensation for overtime, meal or rest breaks

You are misclassified as an exempt employee

Taking a job does not mean you have to sacrifice your rights.  There are many Burbank, California laws in place to protect employees from every day employment issues such as discrimination, harassment and wage and hour violations.

Looking for an Employment Attorney “Near ME”?

For some going to work means putting up with an environment that sacrifices their basic human rights. In the workplace the company culture can cause one’s perception to be skewed by what’s right and what’s wrong. In some industries unlawful practices such as working overtime without pay, or penalizing people for taking medical leave can feel normal because the employer treats it that way.


However taking a job does not mean you have to sacrifice your rights. There are many Burbank, California Laws in place to protect employees from everyday employment issues such as discrimination, retaliation, harassment and wage and hour violations.


At the Law Office of Alisa Goukasian we have a track record for standing up for the rights of our clients.


Whether you have been discriminated against, harassed or have simply been wronged by your employer, we have the experience necessary to achieve the best possible outcome for you.


Call today for a Free confidential consultation at (818) 242-4601.

Call us at (818) 242-4601 for your free consultation!
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